Steve Richter is Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Weingarten Realty Investors. He is responsible for the financial matters of the Company compliance with all securities laws and investor relations.
He joined WRI in 1980 and over the years has held various financial management positions including Controller and Treasurer. He was named to his current position in 2000. Prior to joining WRI Steve worked for BDO Seidman an international public accounting firm. He is a native of Houston and graduated from Sam Houston University with a BBA in Accounting. Steve is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Steve was instrumental in creating the original Funds From Operations (FFO) White Paper in 1991 and subsequent revision in 1995 and has participated in the clarifications of this alternative performance measurement over the years. He was one of the founding members of the NAREIT Best Practices Task Force and remains active in setting accounting standards in the real estate industry.
He is active in several professional organizations including the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT) the National Association of Real Estate Companies (NAREC) where he served as past officer and director and the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). Steve is also a Senior Fellow in the American Leadership Forum. |