Stephen B. Ravin has been practicing bankruptcy law for over 25 years. He has served as trustee and trustee's counsel, counsel to chapters 7 and 11 individual and corporate debtors, creditors committees, assignee for the benefit of creditors, individual creditors and individuals and companies in out-of-court restructurings. He enjoys a stellar reputation for his credibility, compassion and resourcefulness in the industry from his colleagues, industry professionals and former and present clients.
Stephen has been involved in cases of all sizes, and in most industries, including telecom, retail, catalog sales, manufacturing, hospitality, chemical, airline, healthcare, furniture and dozens of others. Some of his former clients include Grand Union Stores (debtor), Emerson Radio (Debtor), Jersey City Medical Center (Debtor), NBO Mens Stores (Creditors' Committee), Channel Home Centers (Creditors' Committee), Best Manufacturing LLC (Creditors' Committee) and Congoleum Flooring (Future Claims Representative).
Mr. Ravin has served as a lecturer and panel member over the years for a multitude of professional organizations, authored or co-authored various articles for legal or industry publications and has served as a guest on various TV talk shows on the subject of insolvency.
Boston University (B.A.)
Franklin Pierce Law Center (JD)
State of New Jersey
New Jersey State Bar Association
New York State Bar Association
Florida State Bar Association
Eastern District of New York
United States District Court for the District of New Jersey
Supreme Court of the State of Florida
New Jersey State Bar Association (Debtor/Creditor Section)
Essex County Bar Association (Former Board Member)
Turnaround Management Association (Board Member, New Jersey Chapter; former member, national board)
New York Institute of Credit (Vice-President, Finance; executive board and board member)
Garden State Credit Association
International Network of Boutique Law Firms
Former President, Mountain Lakes, NJ Volunteer Fire Department.