Stephanie is in the firm's Austin office and focuses her practice on public law with a concentration in regulatory and legislative advocacy. She emphasizes electric utility matters, and brings substantial expertise on all issues relating to electric utility regulation and electricity purchasing. Stephanie helps public and private entities develop electricity purchasing strategies, including the negotiation of power supply agreements, development of cogeneration projects and organization of aggregated buying groups. She represents an association of business customers on electric utility industry restructuring matters before the Texas Legislature, and also represents an association of large industries that participates in electricity utility regulatory proceedings before the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Stephanie has served on the Bush-Cheney Energy Transition Team Advisory Committee charged with identifying key national energy issues and providing policy input to the Bush-Cheney Transition Team.
"Buying PowerA Guide to the Competitive Electricity Market in Texas" Texas Business Review (October 01, 2001)
"Certain Steps to Setting Up a Retail Electric Provider ("REP") to Self-Provide Electricity in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas ("ERCOT")" (January 26, 2005)
State Bar of Texas
Texas Bar Association (Public Utility Section)
American Bar Association (Public Utilities, Communications and Transportation Law Sections) |