J. Smoke Wallin founded eSkye in early 1999 and serves as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Under Smoke, eSkye has gone from a software internet exchange startup to one of the most successful Internet based channel management software companies in the World. eSkye is the leading provider of software and strategic consulting to the global beverage industry with wine production software and eChannel Management applications. Prior to founding eSkye, Smoke was Chief Financial Officer and EVP of National Wines and Spirits, Inc., one of the nation's largest beverage alcohol distributors. He served on the Board of NWS from 1998 to October 2004. Smoke helped drive significant growth and expansion, orchestrating the first public financing in the alcohol distribution industry with a $110 million bond sale. He began his career with NWS in 1988, and as the company's Executive Vice President, Corporate Group from 1993 to 1998, he helped in securing several new acquisitions and business ventures that now represent more than $550 million in annual transactions. Until April 2004, Smoke was Chairman of the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (www.wswa.org). Smoke received a MBA in Finance, Marketing and Operations from Vanderbilt University-Owen School of Management and a BS in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University. He also serves on the Alumni Board of Vanderbilt University's Business School. An Eagle Scout, Smoke is currently a volunteer leader for the Boy Scouts of America Troop 56 where his two boys are working towards their Eagle rank (www.crossroadsbsa.org). He also serves currently as the Chairman of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Experiential Learning Foundation and is the former Chairman of Junior Achievement of Central Indiana serving over 50,000 kids in the region annually (www.jaindy.org). Smoke also served on the Indiana Chamber of Commerce's taskforce for Technology and Advanced Manufacturing. He is a is a graduate of the Stanley K Lacy Leadership program. Smoke has been recognized by many organizations for achievements in the community and business including Vanderbilt University Business School's Distinguished Alumnus of the Year, E&Y’s Regional Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and Indianapolis Business Journal 40 under 40. Smoke is a frequent speaker to groups, large and small including, Microsoft's TechEd, CSFB's Global Beverage Conferences, Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, The Wine Industry Financial Symposium, The Tuck School at Dartmouth, Vanderbilt University among others. He has appeared on television and radio and has been frequently sited in news and magazines including Business Week, Forbes, The FT, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and Wine Business Monthly. |