Shree started his career at Microsoft in 1994 as a Software Engineer in the Windows Operating Systems team, but soon sought out start-up groups inside Microsoft, and made significant contributions to Mobile Information Server (now in Exchange), Smartphone and MSN Messenger. Most recently, he led the successful effort to connect MSN's IM network to Yahoo! Messenger, Vodafone Live!, Enterprise IM networks and Mobile text messaging networks worldwide. For the Windows Mobile group, Shree created Mobile2Market, a key platform bringing thousands of partner applications and services to market. Shree has two patents and six patents pending (all in the field of computer systems & network applications), and co-invented Deficit Round Robin (DRR), a scheduling algorithm for data networks currently used by Cisco Systems, Juniper Networks and others. He holds an M.S. from Washington University, and a B. Tech from BITS, Pilani, India, both in Computer Science. |