Mr. Chen has over 16 years of experience in concluding and managing programs on emissions control technology development and applications, fuels evaluation and waste incineration. He has authored and presented several technical papers in the U.S. and Asia. He is the author of several U.S. and foreign patents on NOx and SO2 control and a member of the Subcommittee of The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. In 1992, he was invited by the Taiwan Government as an overseas expert to attend a two-week Modern Engineering and Technology Conference and gave a seminar on Clean Coal Technology. In addition, he was invited by the State Bureau of Foreign Expert of the People's Republic of China to give a seminar on the control of NOx and SO2 emissions from coal fired boilers at the first Sino-American Technology & Engineering Conference held in Beijing, October, 1993. Furthermore, he was invited by Shandon Association for International Exchange of Personnel to provide a one-week workshop on SO2 emissions control in the city of Weifang in September 1994. Education M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1978 B.S., Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan 1972 Experience Director, Business Development, Reaction Engineering International (REI), Salt Lake City, Utah (1994 - present) Responsible for all of the marketing activities in Taiwan, Korea, and China. Involved in the development of computer software for coal quality impacts on power plant performance, NOx control and SO2 control processes. ManagerCombustion & Pollution Control and Pacific Rim Projects, Energy and Environmental Research Corporation (EER), Irvine, California (1985 - 1994) Supervised all experimental work in bench and pilot scale combustion and incineration test facilities located in a 25-acre test site. Served as Program Manager for a variety of projects on advanced NOx control processes, including reburning and selective non-catalytic reduction. Responsible for the development of low cost sorbent injection processes for SO2 control and involved in studies on thermal treatment of solid wastes and control of PCDD/PCDF emissions. Managed and coordinated projects involving combustion, pollution control, and incineration in the Pacific Rim countries. Group Leader, Process Development, EER (1981 - 1985) Completed extensive bench and pilot studies to identify the process parameters controlling reburning and sorbent injection and develop a scaling methodology for applications to full scale boilers. Responsible for the development and designs of a series of laboratory scale reactors and furnaces for U.S. EPA for the investigation of hazardous waste incineration and combustion and process chemistry. Research Engineer, Process Research, EER (1978 - 1981) Conducted a comprehensive investigation of more than fifty coals from around the world to evaluate fuel properties and NOx formation |