Sheila F. Kirby is Senior Vice President of Interep Innovations to drive group sales and revenue development efforts on behalf of Interep’s client radio stations. Innovations is the rubric for Interep’s company-wide commitment to growing clients’ share of transactional dollars, while simultaneously creating new revenue through group deals, regional packages and non-traditional revenue development. She was named to this newly-created position in January 2004.
Kirby oversees the Interep Marketing Group and Promotion/ Marketing. She also oversees Interep’s training program in non-traditional revenue development company-wide. This training gives every transactional seller the tools necessary to tap into the $416 billion spent each year on sales promotions and marketing programs outside of traditional media budgets.
Prior to joining Interep, Kirby was CEO of Morrison & Abraham, an Interep subsidiary. Under Kirby’s direction, Morrison & Abraham generated over $500 million in new revenue for their media clients. Clients include Infinity/Viacom, ABC/Disney, Jefferson-Pilot, Entercom, Citadel, Knight-Ridder, Hearst Television and Newspaper, Cox Television and Belo Television and Newspaper, among others.
Kirby began her career as the director of listener loyalty at Westinghouse’s WIND Radio in Chicago, and was also Director of Business Development for WFYR Radio. In 1982, she became a consultant for Morrison & Abraham, and took over as President in 1990. She became co-owner of the company in 1996. During her 13-year tenure as President and owner, Kirby oversaw the firm’s expansion from a 3 person training company to a full-service sales consulting firm serving Radio, Television, Newspaper and Direct Mail with over 65 clients nationwide. In 1999, Interep purchased Morrison & Abraham where Kirby remained as CEO. |