Shawn Olson is the Business Unit Manager for Pumps for Sundyne Corporation in Arvada, Colorado. She is responsible for leading Applications, Contracts, Design and Engineering for Sundyne API, SunFlo and Ansimag products. During her twelve years with Sundyne, she has held various technical and managerial roles focused on Sundyne’s sealed and sealless pump technology. A noted area of expertise is API-685. In addition to participating on the API-685 task force, she has authored and co-authored a number of industry publications on sealless technology. Prior to joining Sundyne, she worked for Mobil Oil in Chalmette, Louisiana as a refinery Process Engineer. She was responsible for daily production, unit troubleshooting, turnarounds, capital project integration, unit enhancements, debottlenecking and Operations/Maintenance support. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Refining from the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. Additionally, she earned a MBA in Technology Management from the University of Phoenix. |