Shawn joined Menlo Ventures in 2002 and has focused primarily on network connected software and services. He represents Menlo Ventures on the boards of CinemaNow, GalleryPlayer, IMVU and TeleNav, and is closely involved with the firm's investments in MobiTV and ePAC. Before joining Menlo, Shawn was a management consultant for Booz-Allen & Hamilton, after spending most of his career in engineering and engineering management positions. He was Manager of Software Architecture for Open Port Technology, a start-up that created Internet-based messaging software for data carriers. Prior to that, Shawn worked at Motorola's Cellular Infrastructure Group and Wireless Data Group, Sprint PCS, and the University of Illinois' Center for Computational Electromagnetics. Shawn is a graduate of the Stanford University Graduate School of Business (M.B.A.) and the University of Illinois, Champaign (B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering |