Shawn W. O’Dowd has been working in a variety of fields in intellectual property law since 1989. Mr. O’Dowd’s practice covers a large number of technological fields including: microprocessor system design, bus architecture, computer architecture, computer peripherals (e.g., hard-disk drives and tape drives), computer software, semiconductor chip fabrication, Internet applications and networking systems. His practice focuses on patent prosecution counseling and litigation.
Mr. O’Dowd has extensive experience in virtually all aspects of the preparation and prosecution of patent applications before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. His experience includes interaction with inventors to gather invention disclosure material, preparation of patent applications, prosecution of applications before the Patent Office, interviewing patent examiners and preparing and arguing patent appeals before the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences. Mr. O’Dowd has also prepared opinions for clients on issues such as validity, infringement and inequitable conduct. He has worked with both national and international clients.
Mr. O’Dowd has participated in numerous patent litigations including the supervision of discovery collection at client offices, the taking and defending of witness depositions and the preparation of motions and responsive pleadings before the courts.
Before coming to Kenyon & Kenyon, Mr. O’Dowd worked at two locations of I.B.M. In Newport, Rhode Island, he worked as a systems engineer intern on the TRIDENT submarine’s command and control system. In Manassas, Virginia, he provided research assistance at one of I.B.M.’s Intellectual Property Law Departments. |