Sean True brings more than a decade of experience building easy-to-use systems based on complex technologies, such as artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and speech recognition. He is Chief Technical Officer for, a company that specializes in email delivery using anti-SPAM techniques and the creation of individualized custom web sites. Prior to joining WebReply, Mr. True served in a variety of positions at Dragon Systems, including Director of Development. He directed the team that created Dragon's AudioMining product, a key technology used and licensed by Audiotrieve, LLC. From 1989 to 1994, he served as Director of Research and Development at Rational Systems, a provider of advanced systems software for Intel platforms. Prior to that, he founded Obsidian Computers, Inc., where he developed a family of real-time data acquisition and control servers based on distributed computing technology. Mr. True holds a B.A. degree in Biopsychology from Earlham College and spent several years at M.I.T. working on biological and machine vision. |