Scott Hammack recently served as Chairman and CEO of Cyberguard Worldwide from Jan 2001 until Jan 2004. During that period, the Company reached several major milestones: settled a pending SEC investigation brought on by previous management; settled a class action lawsuit brought on by previous management; was relisted on the NASDAQ National Market; made the Russell 2000 Index based on market capitalization; paid off all debt and increased cash balances by approximately 15 million; went from approximately 80 employees to over 175. In the last year of his service, revenues grew profitably by approximately 39% to $37.9 million. Prior to joining Cyberguard, Hammack was CEO of a health care technology company called Masterchart, that he founded and later sold for $125 million to Allscripts Corporation. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Northwestern University in Biomedical Engineering. |