As SRA's chief technologist, Scott Bennett assesses, identifies, and develops cutting-edge technologies that can play a role in enhancing business solutions for SRA clients. Bennett also leads the company’s advanced technology group, which works with SRA's sector organizations to develop solutions that meet specific client needs. This includes SRA’s NetOwl® text mining software tools.
Bennett has worked to develop a new set of situation awareness tools, including a collaborative analytical platform for collecting, interpreting, and visualizing sensor data in context; a virtual operations center; in-building radio frequency location software; and e-mail summarization and interpretation software for mobile devices. Bennett led the design and development of an advanced visualization, link analysis, text and data mining, and collaboration solution to assist homeland security professionals in recognizing important correlations in data from documents and databases. He is well known in the data mining field and has worked on the design, development, and deployment of knowledge discovery solutions for both government and commercial clients. His data mining experience includes work with very large structured and unstructured data sets, parallel architectures, a variety of discovery and detection algorithms, and graphical tools for analysis of mining results. He has worked on fraud detection in a number of domains, including the mortgage, insurance, and brokerage industries. Bennett was previously an SRA business unit chief technology officer, helping to create new offerings in areas such as bioinformatics and computer security.
Bennett joined SRA in 1992 after completing his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.