Scott Barber currently leads a team of over 230 SureWest employees and approximately 500 contractors. He began his career at SureWest when hired as an engineer in 1994. He was quickly promoted to outside plant engineering manager. In 1997 he was named director of outside plant. In 2000 he was promoted to executive director of network operations and in 2003 as vice president network operations with responsibilities over network outside plant and engineering. As a community leader he has served as Kerman California mayor city councilperson planning commissioner and president of the Chamber of Commerce while working for the Kerman Telephone Company as plant manager and as member and chairman of the City of Rocklin Planning Commission. Barber currently serves on the California Communications Association (CalCom) Board of Directors CalCom Training Committee and is a member of the United States Telecom Association National Security Policy Committee. He also serves on the Sierra College Foundation Board of Directors.