M.A. (Cantab), Cambridge University
B.Sc. (Hons.) Biology and Psychology, Keele University
Additional Information
Sarah Loyd is a vice president responsible for the IT Risk and Security group. She remains an operational penetration tester and also works in the areas of IT due diligence, disaster recovery and business continuity. Prior to joining CRA, Ms. Loyd was a senior manager in the Information Systems and Advisory Services (ISAAS) at Ernst and Young. In this role, she was a very active penetration tester who established and then managed the firm’s attack and penetration testing team. She also carried out additional work in the areas of IT Due Diligence and IT Risk. Mrs. Loyd’s technical skills cover a wide range of attack and penetration testing, and she lectures on attack and penetration testing and IT security/risk issues at national and international level. |