Sandy Wilkinson is vice president and co-founder of Plano, Texas-based Paragon Innovations Inc. Wilkinson leads the financial and strategic marketing/communications aspects of the company with a an eye for excellence. Paragon succeeds because we provide the best, most cost-effective technology design services while maintaining our clients’ strategic goals and go-to-market mentality, said Wilkinson. Our company’s growth, stability and fiscal strength depends on maintaining a conservative spending philosophy and keeping a sharp eye on the bottom line. This philosophy plays a key role in Paragon’s success and continuing leadership position. In addition to her fiscal responsibilities, Wilkinson directs Paragon’s marketing and communication activities, aligning them with the company’s business and profit goals. She also works extensively with Paragon’s sales team to support their new business development, strategies and objectives. Mike and I have worked hard to create an organization that produces innovative, problem-solving electronic designs. We’ve also nurtured a company atmosphere that embraces fun and creative thinking. I’m fiercely protective of Paragon’s image. I want our clients, vendors, suppliers and employees to feel assured that ‘what you see is what you get.’Wilkinson received her bachelor’s of science degree from Texas A&M University in College Station, specializing in advanced mathematics and computer science. She is active in several organizations, including the Dallas-Fort Worth CEO Network and the local American Electronics Association (AEA); Women in Technology International (WITI); and the Richardson, Texas Chamber of Commerce. Wilkinson serves on the Metroplex Technology Business Council (MTBC) Senior Financial Technology Steering Committee and was a former board member of the Southwest High-Tech Career Fair. In her spare time, she and her husband Paragon’s founder and chief executive officer, Mike Wilkinson enjoy sailing and sampling fine wines. She also enjoys music, decorating, gardening and entertaining friends. |