Rupert C. Johnson has served as a Director of the Company since October 4, 2005. Mr. Johnson is the General Manager of the Tirion Group, Inc., based in Switzerland, which is engaged in business processes in the Resources Sector, with its concentration towards Oil and Metals in production and marketing related activities. Tirion has assisted the Company’s Strategic operations, corporate objectives, and provided funding. Mr. Johnson has extensive experience in Consulting and Investments through his business interests in resources and trading. He has developed projects in oil products in the Middle East, Southern Africa and Central Europe. Mr. Johnson’s concentration is towards cash producing investment, working with investment funds and other sources of finance. He has working relationships with several oil, mining and oil trading entities. Tirion holds small interests in certain trading and mining ventures. Mr. Johnson was formerly founding CEO and largest private shareholder of a trading and investment business involved in the oil, chemical and metal, and agricultural sectors in the Sub Saharan African continent known as the EXTRADE Group. The group’s base was mainly operated from Cape Town and Johannesburg for the African Region and internationally from the UK and Switzerland The group developed substantial trade and supportive investments in petroleum in refining, storage and retail, storage and land investments in Agriculture. The group also developed partnerships with multi-national associated business entities based in several African countries, Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, Argentina and Brazil, Black Sea countries and in the Middle East. The group which commenced business in 1985, was, prior to its dissolution commencing in 2001/2, one of the largest privately owned businesses in the Southern African region employing over 1000 staff and with assets in excess of $100 million. Several of the unbundled businesses remain today in controlling roles in their activities in certain regions in the Sub Saharan continent. |