Roshida Dowe is an attorney in the Bricker & Eckler real estate group.
Representative Experience
Focuses on commercial real estate law, with an emphasis on lease preparation; preparation of commercial loan documents; and leasing of tower antenna sites for telecommunications providers. Experience in preparing documents for commercial real estate closings.
Community and Professional Activities
Member, American, Ohio, and Columbus Bar Associations
Member, Columbus Bar Association Real Property Committee
Trustee, Rebuilding Together Central Ohio
Volunteer, Lawyers for Justice of the Columbus Bar Association
Secretary, Art Network, Columbus Museum of Art
Mentor, Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America
Volunteer, YWCA's Family Center
Member, The John Mercer Langston Bar Association
University of Virginia (J.D., 2006); Editorial Board Member, Virginia Journal of Law and Politics and Virginia Journal of Social Policy; Membership Director, National Black Law Students Association
University of California (B.A., 2001).