Mr. Springer earned a business degree in Germany and is a citizen of both Germany and the United States. In 1979, Mr. Springer founded the first OTC brokerage firm in Hamburg, Germany. He has operated business ventures in Europe, South America and the United States, and was the Founder of several environmental companies. In 1987, Mr. Springer founded Global Capital Securities, a full-service New York-based investment bank with 400 employees that was focused on the underwriting of equity securities. Since 1993, Mr. Springer’s main focus has been on preventive medicine and the research and development of herbal medicines and alternative health systems and products. Mr. Springer’s grandfather and mentor was an innovator in natural and herbal medicine in Europe in the 1920’s and lived to be almost 90 years old without ever seeing a medical doctor, proving that a healthy body is the best doctor. Mr. Springer strived to further his grandfather’s vision and in 1993, founded Heaven from Earth Inc. which formed the nucleus of General Cosmetics Corporation that developed the unique O24 patented, 100% pure, all natural pain relief product family. Mr. Springer’s family, friends and partners spent 10 years and millions of dollars building the O24 brand in Europe as a pain relief solution for elite athletes and patients in hospitals. General Cosmetics sold the O24 Sport Line to Swiss Medica, and became the major Swiss Medica shareholder to leverage Swiss Medica’s strong North American mainstream consumer distribution relationships |