Mr. Marchevsky was a co-founder of XCast and DigiSoft, Inc. Mr. Marchevsky is a pioneer in the field of VoIP based telecommunication platforms. For the past five years, he has had the leading role in developing and implementing the first high-density, SIP-based media-switching platform available in production. Mr. Marchevsky recently left Lucent where he researched and managed 2.5G and 10G Wave Length Bandwidth Manager developments, a communications system for the hearing-impaired, as well as three-way, soft-hand-off features for CDMA on the 5ESS switching platform. He conducted research related to fault tolerance and survivability of data networks for Ukraine Ministry of Transportation and Cosmonaut Training Center in Russia. Mr. Marchevsky has taught programming languages for seven years and has published numerous articles in the field of data networks. |