In a former life Robin Thompson must have been a movie mogul. A self-proclaimed movie buff, attested to by family and friends, Robin has acquired an impressive movie collection nearing 300 titles across all genres from old school classics like "Mahogany" and "Some Like It Hot" to modern hits like "Hustle and Flow" and "The Wedding Crashers."
When she's not enjoying a movie on the big screen, she's making television magic behind the scenes. Beginning nearly 11 years ago as a volunteer in the Television Ministry at her church, Robin has honed her skills and been recruited to work on some of the country's foremost Christian conferences and events including, "One In Worship" and Bishop T.D. Jakes' "MegaFest." Her talent even took her across the globe to Nairobi, Kenya in October 2005.
At John Bailey & Associates (JB&A), Robin provides counsel and account support for a variety of clients including Help Eliminate Auto Thefts (HEAT), Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA) and St. John Health.
Robin likes the team feeling at JB&A. She says teamwork is in her blood because she has been a part of a team since before she was born; that might be because she has an identical twin sister, Rosalind. |