Robert Kaehler joined AssetSmart in August 2006 as senior vice president, and is charged with leading the company to a position of market dominance. As a recognized futurist in the rising field of asset management, Robert Kaehler is involved in all aspects of asset management including organizational compliance with mandates and regulations. His expertise has been used by numerous businesses and government agencies to significantly improve asset visibility and increase strategic intelligence of all enterprise assets. He is an acknowledged expert in helping enterprises comply better with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act through integrated lifecycle asset management from both financial and process perspectives, along with the application of best business practices to internal systems and procedures. Kaehler has been a featured speaker at The Performance Institute, an independent think-tank based in Washington, D.C., the General Services Administration (GSA), the National Property Management Association, the International Association of IT Asset Managers, numerous regional conferences and worldwide webcasts, and a featured guest on nationwide radio. He serves on the Board of Advisors of the Asset Management Conference and Expo, the premier event for comprehensively examining integrated asset management processes. Prior to AssetSmart, Mr. Kaehler spent five years as general manager of Sunflower Systems, and was responsible for growing the company from a two-person development shop to a recognized leader in asset management systems. Before joining Sunflower, Kaehler served as Vice President and General Manager of US operations and was a member of the Board of Directors at Proactive Systems. He was instrumental in growing the company's revenues 1500% in three years and engineering an acquisition by Jetform Corporation. Kaehler also previously served as vice president of marketing for Pantechnic, Inc., and held management positions with Citicorp and Manufacturers Hanover. Mr. Kaehler holds a degree in economics from Pepperdine University. |