Robert L. Marcotte is a Managing Director of MCG Capital Corporation (Nasdaq: MCGC), a one-stop capital firm. Bob is a team leader in the company's business development group, and covers a portion of the private equity sponsor community and investment activities in the cable industry. In addition to related portfolio management responsibilities, Bob also serves on the MCG Credit Committee.
Prior to joining MCG in 2001, Marcotte was chief financial officer for Aleron, Inc., a wholesale Internet access and network services provider. Formerly, he served as vice president in the corporate finance department of the investment banking division of Goldman Sachs & Co. in New York and as a director of the project & lease financing department in investment banking for Merrill Lynch & Co. Marcotte also served as senior vice president of the project financing department of GE Capital in Stamford, CT. He began his career as a banking officer at Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh after graduating Georgetown University cum laude with a bachelor of science in business administration with majors in accounting and finance. |