Robert J. Franco served as a senior corporate executive for over 30 years. At the age of 33 he was the youngest VP in American Railroading history with responsibility for over 15,000 employees and several hundred offices. For for the next twenty five years he was involved in turning around troubled companies --- joining firms as President and Chief Operating Officer. These firms include: The Hertz Corporation, Transamerica, Spector Industries and The Gilbert Company -- among others As Sector President of ARA Services (now ARAMARK) he had responsibility for 5 corporations with annual revenues of over $700 MM. One of the units in his group operated school buses in 44 cities across the United States transporting 750,000 children daily. Mr. Franco’s commitment to children’s mobility continues today and is evident in his support of SuperQuad’s Wijit VOYAGER product. He is the author of numerous articles and a college text and has served as a guest speaker at many universities in addition to teaching at Rutgers University. In 1975 he was named one of the 25 most distinguished alumnus of the previous 25 years by the University of Maryland where he had done his undergraduate work. |