Mr. Tucker has served as a director since December 2005. Mr. Tucker is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MBC Direct, LLC, a financial card services company he founded in 2002. Mr. Tucker also acts as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Throwleigh Technologies, LLC, a plasma research company he co-founded in 1995. In 1997, Mr. Tucker co-founded Specialty Surgicenters, Inc. for whom he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer until 2001 and also as a member of the board of directors until 2004 when the business was acquired. Mr. Tucker was a member of the board of directors of Horizon Medical Products, Inc. from 2001 until its merger with RITA Medical Systems (RITA) in 2004. Mr. Tucker resigned from the RITA board of directors in late 2005. Mr. Tucker is a graduate of Georgia State University. Mr. Tucker is independent pursuant to the definition contained in Rule 4200(a)(15) of the National Association of Securities Dealers’ listing standards. Mr. Tucker was originally elected to the Board as a designee of the holders of a majority in interest of the Series D Preferred.