Robert A. Sinnott, MNS, PhD, Mannatech’s Chief Science Officer, is a three-time alumnus from Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in biological sciences in 1987; a Master of Natural Sciences Degree in 1989; and a Ph.D. in 1995. During his graduate training, his primary focus was plant medicinal chemistry and plant biotechnology. His 1995 dissertation research focused on the Aloe vera plant. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Sinnott has held scientific positions in both industry and government. At Larreacorp, a company co-founded by Dr. Sinnott, he and his colleagues identified, patented and commercialized natural antiviral agents derived from the native desert plant, Larrea tridentata. Following the publication of studies in health journals in 1996 and 1997, products based on this technology were made available to health care professionals. Within a few years, these products developed a strong following in 26 countries. Because of a strategy that incorporated testing of the products in a population of volunteer HIV-positive individuals, Dr. Sinnott was able to receive priority status for his U.S. patent applications. Four U.S. patents relating to the technology were issued between 1998 and 2000. In 2002, Larreacorp licensed the technology to a marketing group in Vancouver, B.C. to form the basis of LarreaRx/Shegoi, which became a publicly-trading company, Larrea BioSciences, Corp. in 200 3. Dr. Sinnott and his business associates assigned a controlling interest in Larrea BioSciences to a professional marketing group in fall 2004. In addition to business endeavors, Dr. Sinnott was instrumental in establishing the science branch of a non-profit educational institution for training economically-disadvantaged students in science-based careers. The project was strongly supported by a consortium of colleges, universities, business institutions, and government agencies in Arizona. The program was quickly granted numerous awards by the Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Agriculture and continues to expand its influence. |