For many who pursue a career in finance, there’s a long, sometimes winding road eventually leading to titles like C.E.O., Chairman or President. For IBC’s President and C.E.O. of Port Lavaca, Bay City and Upper Gulf Coast operations, such achievements are regular and recurring themes in his wide-ranging and distinguished career. In fact, Richard Bothe has presided over notable financial institutions on four occasions, with his first presidency nearly 30 years ago. Beginning his career in the Southwest as Bank Examiner for the U.S. Treasury, Bothe soon became a banker, acquiring skills in all areas of commercial lending, credit and personal banking. Managing and building portfolios and relationships, he became President and C.E.O. of Main Bank and Trust, San Antonio, while still in his thirties. During the next ten years, he was President, C.E.O. and Chairman of the Board of two other banks in the Alamo City. Following several years of private consultancy, Richard Bothe earned his securities dealer’s license and spent several years as a stockbroker and a bank-affiliated investment representative. Joining IBCSan Antonio in early 1994, he was quickly back on the presidential track, assuming the top position for IBCPort Lavaca and Bay City in late 1994.Mr. Bothe serves as president of Formosa Plastics Corporation and the Texas Calhoun High School Scholarship Foundation, Inc. In addition, he is a past president of the Rotary Club of Port Lavaca, board member of the Calhoun County Economic Development Corporation, a participant in Leadership Calhoun County Class ‘95/’96, and serves on the board of Global Trade and Technology, Calhoun County.He is former chairman of the board for the Southwest Texas Public Television Council, past general campaign chairman of the 1997 United Way of Calhoun County, former campaign chairman of the 1999 District of the Gulf Coast Council Friends of Scouting, past district chairman of the Boy Scouts of America, and past board member of Calhoun County YMCA and YMCA of the Golden Crescent. He has also served in a variety of key roles on behalf of the Texas Bankers Association. He is a graduate of and former advisory board member of St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas. |