B.S. B Geology, Miami University, 1979
M.En. B Environmental Geology and Water Resources. Miami University, 1988
Registered Professional Geologist: Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Missouri
Certified Professional Geologist: Indiana, Pennsylvania
Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers
Mr. Spencer has been active in the environmental field since 1987 and is currently the environmental services practice leader for the Cincinnati office. He has extensive project management experience, with emphasis on preparation of remedial alternative feasibility studies, remedial work plans, implementation of corrective actions, remedial system operation, maintenance, and reporting, underground storage tank closures, and environmental management/compliance issues. Mr. Spencer has provided services to industrial, commercial, and governmental clients including city governments, the bulk chemical distribution industry, the home appliance manufacturing industry, insurance companies, petroleum refining, resin and adhesive production, steel processing, snack food production, retail clothing, dry cleaning, and paper production. Representative project experience includes:
Environmental Investigations
* Project Manager responsible for hydrogeologic investigations at industrial chemical distribution facilities in Louisville, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Lansing, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Kansas City, Birmingham, Memphis, Savannah, Atlanta, Greensboro, Orlando, and Portland.
* Project Manager responsible for Phase I investigation and insurance liability assessment at battery processing facility in Baltimore, Ohio.
* Project Manager responsible for Phase I, Phase II, and asbestos investigations at various paper production and processing facilities in Ohio and Indiana.
* Project Manager responsible for Phase I and Phase II investigation of an ammonia storage and distribution terminal in Van Wert, Ohio.
* Project Manager responsible for Phase I and Phase II investigations at a shopping mall in Cincinnati, Ohio.
* Project Manager responsible for Phase II investigation of a dry cleaning facility in Anderson, Indiana.
* Project Manager responsible for the design and implementation of an environmental assessment at an abandoned farm chemical and fertilizer production facility in Streator, Illinois.
* Project Manager responsible for Phase I and Phase II environmental audits at steel processing plants in Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Fairfield, Ohio, and Lawrenceburg, Tennessee.
* Project Manager responsible for conducting a hydrogeologic investigation to evaluate potential environmental concerns associated with an historic forge site in Cincinnati, Ohio prior to development of the site.
* Project Manager responsible for investigation of a hazardous waste spill area at a vacuum cleaner manufacturing facility in North Canton, Ohio.
* Project Geologist responsible for conducting a hydrogeologic investigation at a non-operating farm chemical production facility in Kinston, North Carolina.
* Project Geologist responsible for conducting a hydrogeologic investigation at a formaldehyde and phenolic resin production facility in Bainbridge, New York.
* Project Geologist responsible for conducting a hydrogeologic investigation at a chemical and petroleum intermediate production facility in Hammond, Indiana.
* Project Geologist responsible for conducting a hydrogeologic evaluation of a sanitary and medical waste landfill at a former tuberculosis sanitarium in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Remedial System Design and Implementation
* Project manager responsible for design, installation, and operation of a biological system to remediate groundwater at a dry cleaning facility in Newport, Kentucky. Contaminants were successfully reduced to levels below Safe Drinking Water Act standards in approximately 4 years, and an NFA letter has been received from the state.
* Project Manager responsible for installation and operation of a groundwater remediation system at a major appliance manufacturing facility in Galesburg, Illinois.
* Project Manager responsible for design, installation and operation of soil and groundwater remedial systems at an operating bulk chemical distribution facility in Atlanta, Georgia. Remedial systems addressed an approximately 6 acre portion of the facility, which had been impacted by a complex mixture of industrial solvents.
* Project Manager responsible for design and installation of soil and/or groundwater remedial systems at operating bulk chemical distribution facilities in Louisville, Kentucky, Indianapolis, Indiana, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Portland, Oregon, and Cleveland, Ohio
* Project Manager responsible for evaluation of potential treatment alternatives for groundwater contamination caused by several leaking underground storage tanks at a wall covering production facility in Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Spencer was also responsible for closure of a RCRA hazardous waste drum storage area at the site.
* Project Manager responsible for conducting a supplemental hydrogeologic investigation and installing a groundwater remediation system at a ceramic manufacturing facility in Tyler, Texas.
* Project Manager responsible for the design of groundwater remedial systems at operating bulk chemical distribution facilities in Greensboro, North Carolina, Birmingham, Alabama, and Memphis, Tennessee.
* Project Geologist responsible for conducting a supplemental hydrogeologic investigation and installing a groundwater remedial system at a non-operating bulk chemical distribution facility in Lansing, Michigan.
* Project Manager responsible for conducting a supplemental RCRA facility investigation at a bulk chemical distribution facility in Kansas City, Kansas.
* Project Geologist responsible for the preparation of a RCRA Facility Investigation Work Plan for an operating bulk chemical distribution facility located in Jacksonville, Florida.
Expert Witness
* Expert witness responsible for evaluating extensive hydrogeologic investigative data and providing technical information to defense council for a major chemical manufacturer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana against a suit brought by the USEPA and the Department of Justice.
* Assisted in evaluation of options and costs to remediate a large fertilizer production facility in Texas City, Texas. Evaluation was performed in support of litigation between current and former site owners.
Underground Storage Tanks
* Project manager responsible for removal of underground storage tanks at numerous locations in Dayton, Ohio.
* Project Manager responsible for removal of underground hazardous waste storage and cutting oil tanks, and investigation of a hazardous waste drum storage area at a major home appliance manufacturing facility in Herrin, Illinois.
* Project Manager responsible for supplemental investigation of a leaking undergroound storage tank at an inoperative snack food production facility in Terre Haute, Indiana.
* Project Geologist responsible for conducting supplemental investigation of a leaking underground storage tank at a pigment and dye formulation facility in St. Charles, Illinois.
Archeology and Cultural Resource Management
* Archaeologist for various public institutions and private consulting companies. Mr. Spencer participated in numerous cultural resource surveys, excavation, and evaluation of a variety of historic and prehistoric sites located in Ohio, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico. Typical project responsibilities included sample design and field methodology, field survey and mapping, excavation, laboratory analysis, and report preparation.
Yang, Y. J., R. D. Spencer, and T. M. Gates. "Analytical Solutions for determination of Non-steady State and Steady State Capture Zones." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation. Vol. XV, No. 1. Winter 1995.
Yang, Y. J., R. D. Spencer, M. A. Mersmann, and T. M. Gates. "Groundwater Contaminant Plume Differentiation and Source Determination Using BTEX Concentration Ratios." Ground Water. Vol. 33, No. 6. November-December 1995. |