Mr. Gaddis has worked for over 25 years in a variety of leadership positions. He holds a B.S. from Indiana University and is a Certified Asbestos Building Inspector, Certified Asbestos Project Designer, Certified Asbestos Project Supervisor, Certified Asbestos Microscopist, and Certified Asbestos Management Planner as well as a Certified Lead Inspector. Mr. Gaddis has spent the past 16 years in the consulting field managing major asbestos programs for REITs, developers, schools, industry and the military. In his capacity as the EPA required Designated Person for asbestos compliance in schools under AHERA, Mr. Gaddis has been in charge of all required aspects of keeping the client in compliance with State and Federal Regulations and has been responsible for asbestos building inspections, asbestos removal management programs, specifications, employee training, documentation and representation of schools in meetings with regulatory agencies. |