Rebecca Wallenfelsz is a partner in the firm’s Trust and Estate Department, and has been practicing law since 1997. Ms. Wallenfelsz has extensive experience in drafting a variety of wills and trusts, such as pour-over wills, living trusts, minor’s trusts, Crummey trusts, and irrevocable insurance trusts. For the charitably inclined client, Ms. Wallenfelsz has planned for, or assisted in creating, directed funds, charitable remainder trusts and private foundations. Her practice also includes more sophisticated estate planning devices, such as family limited partnerships and split-dollar agreements. She has also worked with clients, lectured other attorneys and written articles on issues for U.S. beneficiaries of foreign trusts and the minimum distributions rules for IRAs. In addition, Ms. Wallenfelsz prepares income tax returns, private foundation information returns and estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer tax returns. She also has represented individuals in premarital agreements and represented a variety of fiduciaries and beneficiaries of estates and trusts. |