Rebecca McGhee is the Director of Association Management at Smith Anderson. In that capacity, she serves as Executive Director for a medical specialty society and a travel industry coalition and helps other associations with management tasks, including compliance with the North Carolina Secretary of State, the North Carolina Board of Elections, and other governing authorities. Her experience includes all aspects of professional society management, including membership dues notices/collections, financial account management, corporate fundraising, membership recruitment, communications, event planning, and member requests. Serving as the Legislative Project Coordinator for several years, Ms. McGhee ensured that all Smith Anderson lobbyists, and several clients, complied with disclosure requirements governed by the North Carolina Secretary of State. She works with both the administrative and legislative branches of North Carolina government, including the Office of the Governor, the North Carolina Council of State, the North Carolina General Assembly, and other state agencies. Ms. McGhee earned a Bachelor of Liberal Studies with an Emphasis in Public Policy from Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She is a member of the Association Executives of North Carolina and the American Society of Association Executives. |