M.S.E. - Princeton University, Civil Engineering (Water Resources), 1977
M.S. - California Institute of Technology, Environmental Engineering, 1975
B.S. - Brown University, Civil Engineering, 1973
Professional Engineer - Florida, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania
Diplomate, American Academy of Environmental Engineers
Solid Waste Association of North America
National Society of Professional Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers
Water Environment Federation
As Vice President of SCS and Solid Waste Division Director for Florida, Mr. Dever is responsible for directing the firm's solid waste projects throughout the state. In his 23 years of professional experience, he has completed solid waste, hazardous waste, environmental assessment, water resources, wastewater treatment, and regulatory compliance projects in 10 states including Florida, Virginia, Maryland, and New York.
Mr. Dever has participated in or directed numerous facility planning, design, permitting and construction projects. Facilities have included landfills, landfill gas control facilities, material recovery facilities, transfer stations, wastewater collection systems and treatment plants, water supply systems, and related site infrastructure. He has been responsible for major environmental assessment projects including federal environmental impact statements (EIS) under NEPA. Other projects have included environmental site assessments, contamination assessments, and remedial action plans. Notable projects are described below.
Landfill Engineering
Project director for a multi-year, continuing services, solid waste management consulting contract with Polk County, Florida. Projects have included design, permitting and construction services for closure of the Class III disposal area at the North Central Landfill, assistance during construction of the landfill gas recovery system at the North Central Landfill, landfill gas investigations at the Northeast and Southeast Landfills, design and construction of leachate pumping station improvements, preparation of annual financial assurance documentation, assessment of privatization of portions of the County’s solid waste operations, conduct of budget, rate, and solid waste composition studies, and Title V permitting for the North Central Landfill.
Project director for design, permitting and construction services for landfill expansion and closure projects for DeSoto County, Florida. Project included construction of a 5-acre double-lined expansion and closure of a 3-acre cell. Also prepared annual closure and post-closure care cost estimates for financial assurance.
Project director for design and permitting of a 35-acre Class III landfill for a private owner and operator in Polk County. Landfill design made use of in situ phosphatic clays as a bottom liner system.
Project director for design and permitting of a 30-acre construction and demolition debris disposal area at the Arbuckle Creek Landfill of Highlands County.
Project director for engineering services in support of the contract operation of the Sarasota County Central Solid Waste Disposal Complex by Waste Management. Tasks have included modification of the operating permit for the landfill to address changes in filling sequence, closure plans, and white goods handling.
Project manager for design, permitting and construction of the Beulah Landfill closure project in Escambia County, Florida. Closure of this 100-acre former Superfund site included a 60-acre compacted clay cover system, a 40-acre geomembrane cover system, landfill gas vents, and stormwater management for this site.
Project manager for a landfill improvement and expansion project for Charlotte County, Florida. Project included upgrading the existing 108-acre landfill to meet state regulations and construction of facilities for future expansion. Responsible for all permitting, design, and construction services for five separate construction contracts. Completed projects included an 8,000-foot slurry wall and groundwater collection system; a 100,000 gpd leachate treatment plant; a deep injection well for treated effluent; an 88-acre wetlands mitigation project; and all support facilities and infrastructure including stormwater management for the 640-acre site.
Project manager for the City of Mobile, Alabama, landfill expansion. Project included construction plans and specifications for final closure of the existing 70-acre disposal area and conceptual plans for a five million cubic yard lined landfill expansion on the City’s property.
Project manager for the design and FDEP/SFWMD permitting of a vertical expansion of the Gulf Coast Landfill in Lee County, Florida for Waste Management, Inc.
Project manager during the construction of Citrus County’s central landfill, which included the first 30-acre, HPDE-lined phase of the landfill and a 30,000 gpd leachate treatment plant. Project won national award from the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) for design excellence in the small landfill category.
Project manager and engineer of record for design, permitting, and construction of an industrial landfill at a new power plant constructed by Tampa Electric Company and Bechtel Power Corporation in Polk County, Florida. Project included a 5-acre disposal cell and leachate impoundment constructed to subtitle D requirements. Facility was constructed under a design-permit-build contract, the first of its kind in Florida.
Project manager for the final closure and remediation of American Cyanamid’s 1,400-acre phosphate mine site located in Polk County, Florida. Responsible for preliminary design and cost estimates for closure of the 200-acre gypsum disposal stack, including field studies of alternative cap designs for the final closure. Also involved in evaluating alternatives for treatment of approximately 1 billion gallons of acidic process water remaining in on-site ponds and in developing cost estimates for demolition of several on-site buildings.
Serves as course director and instructor for the University of Florida TREEO Center’s 20-hour C&D landfill operators’ course. Since its inception, more than 250 landfill operators have been trained. Mr. Dever has received two awards from the SWANA Florida Sunshine Chapter for this work the 1997 Professional Achievement Award for development of the course and the 1998 Distinguished Service Award for coordinating the continuing presentation of the course by TREEO and SWANA.
Landfill Gas Management
Project director for Clean Air Act (CAA) compliance services for eleven landfills located in Hillsborough County, Polk County, Volusia County, Lake County, and Seminole County, Florida. For the New Source Performance Standards/Emissions Guidelines requirements for landfills, was responsible for preparation of initial design capacity reports and for Tier 1 modeling of NMOC emissions using the USEPA landfill gas emissions model. For the major source provisions of Title V of the CAA, was responsible for evaluations of the potential to emit of NMOC, VOC and hazardous air pollutants from the landfills and other onsite sources such as storage tanks, engines, and treatment plants. Responsible for Tier 2 emissions testing at two of these landfills, for preparation of one Title V permit application, and for Annual Operating Reports (AORs) for four landfills.
Project manager for construction services for installation of the LFG control system at the Osceola Road Landfill in Seminole County. System included 38 extraction wells and a 2,100 standard cubic
foot per minute (scfm) blower and flare station.
Project director for operation and maintenance services and for Clean Air Act compliance services of the LFG system at the Naples Landfill of Waste Management. Also responsible for troubleshooting and improving system performance to correct significant odor problems that had developed at the site.
Project manager for assessment and remediation of offsite landfill gas (LFG) migration from the Gunn Highway Landfill, Hillsborough County, Florida. After closure in 1963, the Gunn Highway Landfill was commercially developed (apartment complex constructed over top of landfill), with housing developments constructed along the landfill property boundaries. Activities included evaluation, design and installation of LFG migration control systems, and long-term monitoring.
Project director for a landfill gas migration assessment and control project at the Southeast Landfill, Polk County, Florida. The project involved conducting a field assessment to delineate the extent of landfill gas migration at the landfill, evaluation of alternative subsurface vertical barriers to control migration, landfill gas pumping test to establish design criteria for a perimeter control system, and reporting to FDEP.
Project manager for operation and monitoring assistance to Brevard County, Florida for the first year of operation of its 2000 (scfm) active landfill gas control system at its central landfill. Responsible for optimizing gas extraction by the system and for all monitoring requirements of the FDEP permit, including weekly monitoring of gas composition, flow, pressure and temperature throughout the system. Also performed annual visible emissions testing of the flare, calculated annual emissions of sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide from the flare, and prepared the annual report to FDEP.
Since 1996, served as instructor for Landfill Gas and Leachate Systems course, presented by the University of Florida’s Center for Training, Research, and Education for Environmental Occupations
(TREEO), which is approved continuing education for landfill operators. Also served as instructor on leachate and landfill gas for TREEO’s Solid Waste Operators Short School, which is the landfill
operators certification course in Florida.
Solid Waste Studies
Engineer of record for annual cost estimates for landfill closure and long-term care for financial assurance. Completed over 15 submittals for landfills throughout Florida.
Project manager and engineer of record for FY96-97 and FY97-98 Annual Bondholders Reports for Seminole County’s solid waste system.
Project manager for a feasibility study of transferring part of a major Florida county’s waste stream to a private regional landfill in Okeechobee County, Florida. Study involved evaluation of revenue
projections and landfill depletion for several scenarios involving transfer of MSW and/or waste-to-energy plant ash and nonprocessibles from the plant and five transfer stations.
Project manager for an alternate landfill site study in support of Corps of Engineers permitting of expansion of a private regional landfill in Okeechobee County, Florida. Study involved evaluation of
remaining landfill capacity and waste stream projections for a 28-County study area.
Project manager for two solid waste planning studies completed for Collier County, Florida. Studies included an alternative site evaluation and a master plan for a 300-acre expansion of the Naples
Landfill site and an evaluation of temporary landfill covers that would meet state requirements for final cover but were removable for subsequent landfill mining.
Project manager for an independent review of Sarasota County’s proposed recycling program, intended to satisfy a County ordinance with minimum recycling requirements that significantly exceeded FDEP goals.
Project manager for a third party review for Union Camp Corporation of a siting study and conceptual design for an industrial landfill serving a paper mill in Camden County, Georgia.
Project manager for solid waste planning assistance to the City of Mobile, Alabama, including negotiations with Mobile County for a regional landfill facility and updating of the Solid Waste Master Plan for the City.
For Montgomery County, Maryland, served on team that successfully mediated settlement of a citizen group lawsuit over the siting and construction of the Oaks Landfill. Subsequently was appointed by County Executive to serve on a landfill advisory commission established as a result of the settlement.
Solid Waste Facilities
Project manager for design and permitting services for private C&D material recovery facilities in Largo, Pinellas Park and Pompano Beach, Florida.
For USA Waste, served as project manager for preparation of conceptual plans and permit applications to FDEP and SFWMD for a proposed 2,500 ton per day (tpd) solid waste transfer station in Broward County, Florida.
Project manager for site design and preparation of construction permit application to FDEP for a privately-owned and operated material recovery facility (MRF) on a 75-acre site at the Port of
Project manager for design, permitting and construction of a household hazardous waste collection center for Lee County, Florida.
Project manager for feasibility study and conceptual design of a 1,000 tpd materials recovery facility at the Naples Landfill of Collier County, Florida.
Project manager for design, permitting and construction of several new facilities at the Charlotte County Landfill, including a household hazardous waste center, an equipment maintenance facility, and an operation center.
Environmental Investigations
Remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) for Kalama Specialty Chemicals, Beaufort, South Carolina. Responsible for the final FS on remedial actions for this Superfund site with soil and groundwater contamination by metals and organic chemicals. Developed and evaluated remediation alternatives, including technology and cost evaluations.
Project manager for a contamination assessment report (CAR) for the Byrd Landfill in Quincy, Florida.
Provided engineering services for petroleum remediation systems for soil and groundwater contamination at 7 sites in Florida. Included preparation of quarterly and annual monitoring reports and development of remedial action plans. Remediation technologies used included air stripping towers, soil vapor extraction systems, and air sparging systems.
Served as project manager for contamination assessment of an electronics manufacturing firm in Maryland that had groundwater contamination with trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene.
Resulted in emergency connection of facility to public water supply system in the area.
Project engineer for a federal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on site-wide waste management at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Plant, South Carolina. The EIS addressed closure and remedial actions at over 100 hazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste management units on this 300 square-mile nuclear weapons production facility.
Project engineer for a federal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on restart of the L-Reactor at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Plant, South Carolina. The EIS addressed water
quality and ecological impacts of resuming the cooling water discharge from the reactor.
Served on team that authored comprehensive environmental compliance guide for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Plant, South Carolina. In particular, was responsible for
detailed documentation of surface water, groundwater and effluent monitoring requirements for compliance with all NPDES and RCRA permits.
For US Department of Energy, served as project engineer for preparation of Environmental Assessment (EA) for proposed national high-level nuclear waste repository in Deaf Smith County, Texas.
For Montgomery County, Maryland, served as manager of the County’s water quality monitoring program for four years. The program, involved over 1,000 samples and 15,000 analyses per year
from a regional surface water network, groundwater monitoring at waste disposal facilities, and contamination assessments for USTs and other problems.
Nassua-Suffolk Regional Planning Commission, groundwater resources studies, Long Island, New York. While a graduate student and research assistant in Princeton’s Water Resources Program, Mr. Dever participated in several groundwater studies funded under the Section 208 program of the Clean Water Act for area-wide water quality planning. These included a joint study with the US Geological Survey of groundwater contamination at the Babylon Landfill, one of the first projects to delineate a contaminant plume, and a saltwater intrusion modeling study of the South Fork of Long Island.
Public Works Engineering
For the SWFWMD, served as project manager for the Moccasin Slough Control Structure and Heifner Canal Dredging Program, Citrus County, Florida. The project was intended to improve management of water levels in Lake Tsala Apopka, a major chain of lakes in the Withlacoochee River Basin. The dredging program included planning, permitting, design, and construction management for both dredging of the 7 mile Heifner Canal and for selection and design of dredge
spoil disposal sites.
For the Florida Association of Counties, served as regional manager for preparation of the group NPDES stormwater permit application for industrial facilities, including landfills, airports, vehicle maintenance facilities, and wastewater treatment plants.
For Prince William County, Virginia, Service Authority, served as project manager for both water system and wastewater facilities plans for a 100-square mile area of western Prince William County. The water plan addressed transmission and storage alternatives for bringing 25 mgd of water from Fairfax County, the City of Manassas, and wells to the area. The wastewater system plan evaluated wastewater conveyance and pumping alternatives for the same area.
Project manager for Hanover County, Virginia, water supply plan. Responsible for this study which evaluated alternative sources for another 25 mgd of supply including a dam and reservoir in Hanover County; interconnection with the City of Richmond or Henrico County; and new well fields in the Coastal Plain area of the County.
Project engineer for Gillis Falls Reservoir, Carroll County, Maryland. Responsible for several tasks for this proposed 400-acre, 3.8 billion gallon reservoir, including: preparation of the Environmental Assessment for this project; development of wetlands and trout stream mitigation plans; and application to the State of Maryland for reclassification of affected stream segments.
Project engineer for Crump Creek Reservoir, Hanover County, Virginia. Responsible for several tasks for this proposed 900-acre, 8.5 billion gallon reservoir, including: preparation of the Section 404 permit application to the Corps of Engineers; preparation of the final Environmental Report on the project; evaluation of potential eutrophication of the reservoir; and evaluation of minimum instream flow (MIF) requirements for the reservoir.
For Montgomery County, Maryland served as Professional Engineer in charge of the update of the Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan. Plan addressed water and sewer needs for a population of 600,000 and served as the basis for the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC).
Project engineer for the development of a sewer system planning model and data management system for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission's bi-county service area, with population of over 1 million.
For the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Minneapolis-St. Paul, served as project engineer for a wastewater facilities plan for a 700 square mile area encompassing the Twin Cities. Responsible for development of combined sewer overflow control alternatives, including storage-treatment facilities at major outfalls and sewer separation projects.
For the Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, served as project engineer for an EIS on wastewater treatment facilities for the Cahaba River Basin in Alabama. Responsible for water quality based effluent limitation (WQBEL) modeling, using EPA’s stream model QUAL-IIe, to determine discharge limits for 16 mgd treatment plant, and for preliminary design of plant unit processes to meet the limits.
For the Federal Highway Administration, served as project manager for adaptation of EPA’s Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) to highway drainage design and nonpoint source pollution analysis. Included users’ manuals and documentation for the 6 program package and test applications to highway projects in Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
As a staff engineer for the Consolidated Edison Company of New York, was responsible for a variety of civil engineering projects at nuclear, oil-fired and coal-fired power plants. Projects included temperature monitoring system in the discharge canal of a nuclear plant, expansion of a fly ash slurry disposal pond at a coal plant, fire protection systems, relining of smokestacks, and various structural projects. |