Rawleigh Ralls has served as a director since August 2007. For the past 15+ years, Mr. Ralls has been an active investor in both the private and public markets. After receiving an MBA from Southern Methodist University, he spent eight years with Goldman Sachs' Private Client Services group in Dallas. Mr. Ralls then co-founded Precept Capital Management in 1998 with two partners. Precept grew quickly to over $300 million in managed assets by the time he sold his stake in September 2000. Since that time, Mr. Ralls has held several board positions including: Netidentity.com, an email and web hosting firm where he served as Chairman from 1999 until June 2006; @Last Software, as a director from 1999 until March 2006; Knowledge Factor Inc., as a director from June 2006 until present; Savoya, LLC, as a director from November 2003 to present; and Concept3d from October 2006 until present. In October 2006, Mr. Ralls co-founded a new
Boulder-based investment management company with several partners, and serves as a managing director. This firm, Lacuna LLC, invests in and assists the development of promising early-stageenterprises in both the private and public markets. Mr. Ralls's received an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering from the University of Arkansas in 1984, and his early work experience included jobs with AT&T, Exxon and GE. |