Mexico D.F., 1953. Graduate in Law from the Autonomous University of Mexico, Masters degree in International Relations from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. He began his career in Pemex in 1983 and has occupied various important posts within the company. Between 2001 and 2003 he was the Mexican Ambassador in Ankara (Turkey) and, concurrently, in various Central Asian countries. He is currently the Managing Director of Pemex Internacional España, S.A. and P.M.I. Holdings Petróleos España, S.L. as well as being the Mexican representative for OPEC and the International Energy Agency, amongst other forums.
The Company Pemex Internacional España, S.A. was appointed Director of Repsol YPF, S.A. by resolution of the Board of Directors on 26th January, 2004, subsequently ratified by the Annual Shareholders Meeting on 31st March, 2004, and re-elected by the Annual Sharehoders Meeting on 16th June, 2006. |