M.A. Biblical Exegesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1978
B.A. Communications (Radio-TV-Film) University of Texas, 1975
Current positions
International Translation Coordinator (2005- )
International Associate Translation Coordinator for Consultant Development (2002- )
International Translation Consultant (1987- )
Other experience
Assistant to the Executive Director WBT/SIL (1999-2001)
Program consultant/trainer/exegetical advisor Adioukrou translation project, Côte d'Ivoire (1984-1998)
Instructor-Translation Degree Program, Pan Africa Christian College, Nairobi Kenya (1994-1995)
Branch translation coordinator, SIL Côte d'Ivoire/Mali (1987-1993)
Translation consultant, Côte d'Ivoire/Mali (1983)
Program/exegetical advisor, Anyi translation project, Côte d'Ivoire (1980-1983)
Helped staff or lead numerous translation workshops and Mother Tongue Translators training workshops through these years.
Society of Biblical Literature
International Pragmatics Association
Language proficiency
French FSI 3+
Adioukrou (Cote d'Ivoire) FSI 3
Koine Greek FSI 2
Research interests
Translation theories and applications
discourse analysis and pragmatics
relevance theory
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
2005. Review of Bible Translation-Frames of Reference, by Tim Wilt, ed. The Bible Translator (forthcoming).
2001. Hill, Ralph. "A response to Lewis's 'of Sociolinguistics, Bible Translation, and Dancing' " Notes on Translation 15:2: 62-63
1983. Hill, Ralph. "Further considerations on translating "The Son of Man" " Notes on Translation, 93:35-50
1978. The Adnominal Genitive Construction in the Epistle of James. (M.A. thesis), Deerfield: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Selected papers presented
2004. "Contextual mismatches as a communication problem in translation." Presented at: Pacific Forum of Bible Agencies, Brisbane Australia
2003. "Interpretive use pronouns in Adioukrou." Presented at: International Pragmatics Association conference, Toronto, Canada.
2003. "Adapting to a changing environment." Presented at: plenary session of the UBS Triennial Translation Workshop, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil.
2003. "Contextual adjustment strategies." Presented at: International section of the Society of Biblical Literature, Cambridge, England.
2003 "Contextual adjustment strategies and Bible translation." Presented at: Bible Translation 2003, Dallas. |