Price Finley is a partner with Bricker & Eckler LLP and Vice-Chair of the Public Sector group. He is also the President of the firm's affiliate economic development consulting company, Argus Growth Consultants, Ltd. Price's work experience includes bond financing and economic development finance. He has helped communities, developers, and underwriters structure tax increment financings, community authorities and special assessment programs. Price has also assisted with the formation and structuring of joint economic development districts, cooperative economic development agreements, community improvement corporations, port authorities, regional planning commissions, and enterprise zone and community reinvestment area abatement programs.
Representative Experience
Counsel with respect to the creation of more than fifty tax increment financing projects during the past five years.
Underwriter's counsel for Ohio's first tax increment revenue bond financing secured by special assessment.
Bond counsel for Ohio's first certificate of participation financing involving a state agency lease of a privately-owned building.
Bond counsel for Ohio's first new community authority public offering to be structured without a developer letter of credit (used to finance infrastructure improvements such as roads, water, sewer, etc.).
Underwriter's and special tax counsel for West Virginia's first sales tax TIF bond issue.
Bond counsel for first certificate of participation financing by an Ohio school district under statutory procedural guidelines.
Bond and special counsel for numerous economic development matters, including tax increment financing, enterprise zones, community reinvestment areas, community authority financing and special assessment district financing.
Counsel to economic development entities such as community improvement corporations, community authorities, regional planning commissions, and port authorities.
Special counsel to a large urban municipality in pursuing and documenting a Joint Economic Development District involving multiple municipalities, townships, a county, and a port authority.
Special counsel to a nonprofit corporation exploring a development that required coordination among two counties, two municipalities, and two townships using tools such as a Joint Economic Development District, a community authority, and tax increment financing.
Special counsel to an Ohio county in pursuing use of Cooperative Economic Development Agreement for a mixed-use development involving multiple jurisdictions.
Bond counsel for municipalities, counties, townships, school districts and special purpose districts in connection with facility and working capital financings
Editor-in-Chief, Ohio Municipal Service, West Publishing
Community and Professional Activities
Member, National Association of Bond Lawyers
Member, Ohio Development Association
Member, Upper Arlington Rotary Club
Member, Board of Directors, Columbus Children's Theater
Improving Communities with Community Improvement Corporations - Ohio Municipal Service, May/June 2006
Cooperative Economic Development Made Easy with JEDDs and CEDAs - Ohio Municipal Service, July/August 2004
New Community Districts Provide Opportunities to Finance Infrastructure Improvements - Ohio Municipal Service, January/February 2004
Fiduciary Duties of Public Board Members - Ohio Municipal Service, September/October 2003
Don't Let Your 'TIF' Cause a "Tiff" - Ohio Municipal Service, July/August 2003
Lease-Purchase Arrangements Provide Creative Options for Capital Asset Financing - Ohio Municipal Service, January/February 2003
Capital University (B.A., magna cum laude, 1986)
The Ohio State University (M.B.A., 1989, emphasis in Finance)
The Ohio State University (J.D., 1990).