Prem Agarwal was appointed to the Commission from Prince George's County in July 2003. Commissioner Agarwal was elected Chair on June 21, 2006. He is president and owner of G.E. Frisco Company, Inc., an Upper Marlboro-based lumber and building material manufacturer serving the mid-Atlantic region. Mr. Agarwal's distinguished career began in 1968 as a systems engineer at Safeway Stores, Inc., in Oakland, California, where he helped improve efficiency by designing computer-based industrial engineering systems for stores and manufacturing plants. Following that, he became president and owner of Iceco Corporation, an ice manufacturing facility in Capitol Heights. The Mitchellville resident holds Bachelor's Degree in science and math from Agra University in Agra, India and a Mechanical Engineering Degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in Roorkee, India. He also holds a Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and is a member of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers. |