Responsible for the Business Unit (BU) Asia and the expansion of mid-market strategy in that region; the BU Global Markets; and the Commercial Client Segment. Appointed to the Managing Board from January 2006.
The Commercial Client Segment ensures alignment between the product, client and services organisations across the company for commercial clients. This cross-BU segment will focus, for example, on exchanging best practices and winning formulas across the Group as part of ABN AMRO's strategy to enhance the service it provides to its mid-market clients.
Was previously Chief Executive Officer of the Wholesale Clients business. Named head of Global Markets in 2004; head of Global Financial Markets based in Amsterdam in 2002; Country Representative and head of Financial Markets Japan in 2001.
Was regional head Treasury and Fixed Income Asia, Singapore from 1999 and co-head global interest rate trading from 1997, based in Amsterdam.
In 1989 joined ABN Bank as a derivatives dealer and in 1996 was appointed Chief Dealer Cross Market Arbritrage, Bond Trading Europe. Started career in military service navy.
Directorships within ABN AMRO:
ABN AMRO Bouwfonds Japan
MBA, Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen (Netherlands) |