A graduate in economics and commerce (1962) of the University of Bologna and proprietor of an accounting firm located in Bologna, he has served on the board of directors and board of statutory auditors of numerous important Italian companies, including STET, ENI, Enichem, and Credito Italiano. In 1995 he was appointed economic advisor to the Minister of Industry. Since 1994, he has been on the board of directors of IRI, where he has also held the positions of supervisor of privatizations (1997) and chairman and chief executive officer (1999); later, from 2000 to 2002, he served as chairman of the IRI liquidation committee. A member of the executive of Confindustria, the steering committee of Assonime (an association of Italian corporations), the executive committee of the Aspen Institute, the committee on the corporate governance of listed companies reconstituted on the initiative of Borsa Italiana in April 2005, and president of the Mediterranean Energy Observatory (OME), he currently also holds the positions of chairman of Emittenti Titoli, director of Unicredito Italiano, and government commissioner of the Fochi Group, which is under special management. He has been chairman of the board of directors of Enel since May 2002.