In 1997 Philippe Chauveau was named chairman of EDAP-TMS S.A. Supervisory Board involving a two-tier board structure overseeing an Executive Board. In 2002 both these boards were replaced by a single Board of Directors which Philippe Chauveau headed as Chairman and CEO. While remaining Chairman of the Board he was succeeded by Hugues de Bantel as CEO in 2004. Philippe Chauveau since 2000 is also Chairman of the Board of SCYNEXIS Inc. funded by private equity which is an innovative drug discovery company based in the USA partnering with major pharmaceutical companies worldwide. He is also personal executive coach to senior research leaders at HOFFMANN LaROCHE in Switzerland. He was R&D Vice-President at AT&T BELL LABS; he had been Chairman of APPLE COMPUTER Europe preceded by increasing marketing roles in ITT and in PROCTER & GAMBLE. Philippe Chauveau has a French Anglo-Irish and American education and
culture. He has an Honours Degree from Trinity College Dublin with a BA. and a Bsc. |