Peter has been in the semiconductor industry for over 16 years. During his career, Peter has served in a variety of management positions in engineering, marketing, strategic business development, and sales. As a BlueShift founder, Peter has assembled a world-class management team and raised over $14 million in funding. Peter created BlueShift's revolutionary linkable vacuum system design and has several patents to his name. Peter has also given numerous talks and papers about semiconductor automation at industry conferences and meetings.Peter served as a General Manager for Brooks Automation's Equipment Front End Business, which he started and grew during the 2001-'02 downturn to $12M. He also ran Brooks' vacuum systems business for 7 years during which revenues grew from $2.5M to $65M. Peter worked for Inspex, where he was the director of Sales and Marketing for DMS, a yield management software product. Peter worked for Varian Ion Implant Systems for 5 years where he designed the E500 implanter. Peter has a Masters in Physics from Eindhoven University in The Netherlands and an MBA from Babson College. He continues to serve as a chairman of the Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC). |