Peter McCracken conceived the idea for Serials Solutions while working as a reference librarian at East Carolina University, and then at the University of Washington. McCracken was frustrated by the difficulty of locating and navigating electronic resources, which his colleagues and patrons seldom knew existed. In 2000, Peter recruited his two brothers, Mike and Steve McCracken, and a high school friend, Chris Pierard, to help him solve this problem for libraries across the country. The four founders developed an effective and affordable solution that could be implemented at libraries worldwide. After creating the first A-to-Z list in 2000, Peter molded Serials Solutions from a small start-up into an industry leader with a complete suite of E-Resource Access and Management Services. He remains Director of Research at Serials Solutions. Peter earned his bachelor’s degree at Oberlin College, plus master’s degrees in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and in Maritime History from East Carolina University. He writes a regular column on Maritime History on the Internet for Sea History magazine, and maintains, a free site that lists which books and journals mention over 100,000 ship names. In addition, Peter serves on the Council of Advocates for the University of Washington Libraries and on the Board of Visitors for the School of Information & Library Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. |