Peter Geiger, EVP
Position: Executive Vice President, Special Markets Group, Geiger Generation 4 owner/manager, Editor Farmers' Almanac, Professional Experience: 34 years. I started working with my Father on Farmers' Almanac at age 7. What I Do Today: Oversee the direction of three business units as they provide state-of-the-art service to clients. Editor and promoter of the Farmers' Almanac conducting hundreds of interviews with media throughout the year. Accomplishments & Recognition: Jefferson Award, Point of Light (#618), Distinguished Service (Maine State Superintendents), Ray Geiger Award for Service to Lewiston/Auburn, Young Executive of the Year-PPAI (1993) Outside Activities: St. Joseph's College (Board), Maine Coalition for Excellence in Education (Chair), Lewiston Education Foundation (Board), Founder of the Adopt-A-School Program in Maine, Sister of Charity Health Care Foundation. What Moves Me: When Geiger relocated to Maine in 1955 it was with the understanding that we would be good corporate citizens. Part of my job is to make sure Geiger and its associates have opportunities to volunteer in ways that make our community a better place to live and work. My passion remains around public education. A well educated population is the fuel that will keep our economy healthy and all of us good citizens.