Graduate in Economics at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Master of Arts and PhD in Economics at the University of Minessota, this new Repsol YPF independent director holds the title of Trade Expert (Técnico Comercial) and Public Prosecutor, and is Professor of Economic Theory.
In her professional career, she has held several positions related to the energy sector. While working at the INI (National Institute of Industry), she formed part of a Committee which, between 1983 and 1984, designed the National Energy Plan. In 1984 she was appointed Executive President of the Spanish Power Grid, retaining this position until 1988; and was member of the Campsa Board of Directors from 1983 to 1987.
In the ambit of international finance, this new member of the Repsol YPF Board served in the Banking Supervision Division of the IMF, in Washington, from 1994 to 1995, and has held positions of responsibility in the administrative bodies of important financial institutions. |