Paul C. Dali is a founder and the managing principal of KeyNote Ventures. Prior to this venture, he was founder and managing general partner of Convergence Partners and a general partner of Nazem & Co. and 3i Ventures. Mr. Dali is a successful, progressive and visionary investor who was responsible for backing one of the first companies to put sound on computers (MediaVision), and one of the first companies to use the Internet for enterprise level network security and updates (Cybermedia). Because of his operating background, experience and current business conditions, Mr. Dali is focusing on enterprise software and the "real time enterprise".Prior to his career in venture capital, he had 23 years of operating experience that included building Regis McKenna into the largest high tech marketing and communications company as its CEO, and serving as vice president and general manager of the PC Division of Apple Computer and chairman of its marketing council. Both his operating and venture capital background have made Mr. Dali an invaluable member of the board of directors, or board of advisors, on which he currently serves, which include Blazent, BroadWare Technologies, Candera, iPolicy, Nuasis, UltraDots and Webify. He was also a board member of Cybermedia, MediaVision, Storm Software, @POS and Repeater Technology, all previously public companies. His experience and reputation as the "Godfather of Multimedia VC Business" (Red Herring, June 1993) has made him a sought-after speaker on marketing, entrepreneurism and venture capital. Mr. Dali has a BS degree in finance from California State University. |