PhD Linguistics. University of Pennsylvania (1985)
BA, University of Georgia (1978)
Current position
SIL International Vice President for Academic Affairs (2007- )
Other related experience
Assistant to the Executive Director of SIL International (2005-2007)
SIL Intl. Vice President for Academic Affairs (2002-2005)
Member of the Board of SIL, International (1999-2002)
Director, Colombia Branch-SIL (1999-2000)
Associate Director for Language Affairs, Colombia Branch-SIL (1992-1994)
Linguist/Translator for Ika, Colombia (1983-1988)
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
1999. "Report on LinguaLinks CD-ROM: Field guide to recording language data by Charles F. Grimes." Notes on Linguistics 2 (1): 37-39.
1997. (with Nancy L. Morse) Lo más importante es vivir en paz: Los sálibas de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. v, 130 pp. Bogotá: Editorial Alberto Lleras Camargo.
1995. (with J. R. and J. H. Smothermon). Bosquejo del Macuna: Aspectos de la cultura material de los macunas, fonología, gramatica. xiv, 77 pp. Bogota, Colombia: Associación Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.
1993. "Proto-Arhuacan phonology." Estudios Lingüística Chibcha, pp. 1-23.
1990. Ika syntax: Studies in the languages of Colombia 1. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 94, 140 pp. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington.
1989. "The verb phrase in Ika (part one)." Notes on Linguistics 45:14-29
1989. "The verb phrase in Ika (part two)." Notes on Linguistics 46:12-29.
1986. "Cultural learning styles." Read 21 (2):19-25.
1985. A grammar of Ika. (Ph.D. dissertation) 182 pp. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
Selected papers
1992 (Dec). "The origin of -ngua (future) in Ika." Presented at the 31st Converence on American Indian Languages, San Francisco CA.
1990 (Dec). "100 years in the study of Ika." Presented at the 29th Conference on American Indian Languages, New Orleans LA.
1988 (Nov). "Reconstructing variations in Proto-Aruhuacan." Presented at the 27th Conference on American Indian Languages, Phoenix AZ. |