Bond counsel to numerous Michigan counties, cities, townships, and villages for the financing of a wide variety of public improvements through the issuance of general obligation, revenue, and special assessment bonds and bond anticipation notes.
Bond counsel to school districts for cash flow note issues and bond issues for long-term capital improvements.
Bond counsel to approximately 20 counties annually in connection with the issuance of delinquent tax notes.
Bond counsel on first Michigan county land bank authority bond and note issues.
Counsel in connection with the creation and operation of municipal financing authorities such as building authorities, joint water and sewer authorities, and fire protection authorities.
Drafted legislation subsequently adopted by the Michigan legislature to permit school districts to purchase property, including school buses, to be paid for in installments.
Advise municipal and school clients with respect to obligations imposed by SEC Rule 15c2-12.
Birmingham Public Schools
Charter Township of Lyon
City of Flint
Genesee County Road Commission
Ingham County Land Bank Fast Track Authority
JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Kent County Treasurer
Oakland County Drain Commissioner
Saginaw County
Water District No. 1 of Midland County
Municipal Law & Finance
Schools & Educational Institutions
National Association of Bond Lawyers
Public Corporation Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan
Bloomfield Boosters, Past President
Frequent presenter and speaker to Michigan Public Finance Association (such as Michigan Association of County Treasurers, Michigan Association of County Administrative Officers, Michigan Townships Association, Government Finance Officers Association and Michigan School Business Officials) on public finance matters
Presenter to new county treasurers at training sessions sponsored by the United County Officers Associations
Arizona State University, B.S. 1979 (summa cum laude)
University of Michigan Law School, J.D. 1982.