Patrick Donahoe was named the 19th Deputy Postmaster General and Chief Operating Officer in April 2005. The second-highest ranking postal executive, Donahoe, a 31-year postal veteran, reports directly to the Postmaster General and is a member of the Postal Service Board of Governors. Donahoe serves on the Capital Projects Committee.
In addition to his Board duties, Donahoe has responsibility for the day-to-day activities of more than 690,000 career employees working among 38,000 facilities that are supported by a fleet of over 215,000 vehicles. He also is responsible for mail processing, transportation and delivery, field operations, engineering, delivery and retail, facilities, and network operations. Reporting to Donahoe are the Senior Vice President of Operations and nine Area Vice Presidents.
Prior to this position, Donahoe served as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Executive Vice President. As COO, Donahoe was instrumental in the Postal Service achieving record levels of service and customer satisfaction. Over the same period the Postal Service experienced sustained and significant workplace improvements and is on track for a sixth straight year of productivity gains. The Postal Service delivers nearly half of the world’s mail volume more than 200 billion pieces that produce annual revenues of $73 billion.
Donahoe entered the Postal Service as a clerk in Pittsburgh, PA, and has a long and distinguished career in operations. His previous officer positions have included senior vice president, Operations; senior vice president, Human Resources; and vice president, Allegheny Area Operations.
Donahoe earned a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from the University of Pittsburgh and a Master of Science degree as a Sloan Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
A native of Pittsburgh, Donahoe and his wife have two children.