Current Professional Status: Manager of Education and Training
Otoacoustic Emissions
Single Unit Recording
Auditory Brainstem Response
Compound Action Potential
Computer Based Data Analysis
Cortical Potential Recording
Behavioral Measures
Audiometric Evaluation
Central Auditory Processing
Auditory Brainstem Response
Hearing Aid Evaluation and Fitting
Otoacoustic Emissions
Cochlear Implant Evaluation, Programming, and Rehabilitation
Technical Writing and Instruction
B.A., SUNY at Buffalo, NY, 1994, Communication Disorders
M.A., SUNY at Buffalo, NY, 1996, Audiology
Au.D., University of Florida, 2002, Audiology
Employment History:
Research Assistant, Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 1992-1996
House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, CA Pediatric Audiologist and Research Assistant 1996-2000
Advanced Bionics Corporation, Los Angeles, CA Manager of Education and Training 2000 -present
Academic Experience:
Teaching Assistant, Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 1994-1996
Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (LEND) Program, University Affiliated Program between the University of Southern California and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles 1996-1997
Teaching Experience:
Instructor, Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo,
Society Memberships:
Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) 1993-present
American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) 1996-present
American Academy of Audiology (AAA) 1996-present
American Auditory Society (AAS) 1999-present
Educational Audiology Association (EAAA) 1999-present
Burkard, R., Trautwein, P.G., Salvi, R.J. (1997) The effects of click level, click rate, and level of background masking noise on the inferior colliculus potential in the normal and carboplatin treated chinchilla. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 102(6):3620-7
Chen, L., Trautwein, P.G., Miller, K., Salvi, R.J. (1995) Effects of kanamycin ototoxicity and hair cell regeneration on the DC endocochlear potential in adult chickens. Hearing Research 89:28-34
Chen, L., Salvi, R.J., Trautwein, P.G., Powers, N. (1996) Two-ton suppression boundaries of cochlear ganglion neurons in normal chickens. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100 (1):442-450
Chen, L., Trautwein, P.G., Shero, M., Salvi, R.J. (1996) Tuning, Spontaneous activity and tonotopic map in chicken cochlear ganglion neurons following sound induced hearing loss and regeneration. Hearing Research 98:152-164
Chen, L., Trautwein, P.G., Powers, N., Salvi, R.J. (1997) Two-tone rate suppression boundaries of cochlear ganglion neurons in chickens following acoustic trauma. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 102(4):2245-54
Salvi, R.J., Chen, L., Trautwein, P.G., Powers, N., Shero, M. (1998) Hair cell regeneration and recovery of function in the avian auditory system. Scandinavian Audiology Supplement 48:7-14
Trautwein, P.G., Hashino, E., Salvi, R.J. (1998) Regenerated hair cells become functional during continuous administration of kanamycin. Audiology and Neuro-otology 3(4):229-239.
Trautwein, P.G., Chen, L., Shero, M., Salvi, R.J. (submitted) Recovery of the CAP amplitude and threshold in chickens following acoustic trauma. Hearing Research
Trautwein, P.G., Hofstetter, P., Wang, J., Salvi, R.J. and Nostrant, A. (1996) Selective inner hair cell loss does not alter distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Hearing Research 96:71-82.
Trautwein, P.G., Salvi, R.J., Miller, K., Shero, M., Hashino, E. (1996) Partial recovery of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in chickens following acoustic overstimualtion. Audiology and Neuro-otology 1(2): 86-103.
Trautwein, P.G., Chen, L., Salvi, R.J. (1997) Steady state EP is not responsible for hearing loss in adult chickens following acoustic trauma. Hearing Research 110(1-2):226-70.
Trautwein, P.G., Sininger, Y.S., Nelson, R. (2000) Cochlear Implantation of auditory neuropathy: a case study. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
Wang, J., Powers, N., Hofstetter, P., Trautwein, P., Ding, D., Salvi, R.J. (1997) Effects of selective inner hair cell loss on the auditory nerve fiber threshold, tuning and spontaneous and driven discharge rate. Hearing Research 107(1-2):67-82.
Book Chapters:
Chen, L., Trautwein, P.G., Shero, M., Salvi, R.J. (1996) Correlation of Hair Cell Regeneration Physiology and Pschophysics in Adult Chickens following Acoustic Trauma. In Auditory Plasticity and Regeneration, R. Salvi, D. Henderson, F, Fiorino and V. Colletti (Eds), Thieme Medical Publishers: New York
Trautwein, P.G., Shallop, J., Fabry, L., and Freidman, R.A. (2001) Cochlear Implantation of Auditory Neuropathy, in Auditory Neuropathy: A New Perspective on Hearing Disorders, Singular Publishing New York. |