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Profile of Pamela Walker

Pamela Walker

VP - Center Science, Technology - Noblis Inc.
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Company Name : Noblis Inc.
Company Website : www.noblis.org
Company Address : 3150 Fairview Pk. Dr.
, Falls Church, VA,
United States,
Pamela Walker Profile :
VP - Center Science, Technology - Noblis Inc.
Pamela Walker Biography :

As Vice President for the Center for Science and Technology at Noblis, Ms. Walker is responsible for the strategic direction and leadership of five of the company’s business verticals, i.e., health care, environmental sustainability, chemical and conventional munitions management and disposal, counterbioterrorism, and satellite data management. She is accountable for all the technical, financial and administrative activities associated with these business areas. Noblis is a nonprofit science, technology and strategy organization working at all levels of government, in private industry and with other nonprofits in areas that are essential to our nation’s well-being: national and homeland security; public safety; transportation; health care; criminal justice; energy and the environment; and oceans, atmosphere and space.

Ms. Walker is a key player in the diversification of Noblis’ public interest reach. This has included expansion beyond the traditional public sector services to the federal government into the private sector, primarily in health care and toxicology consulting. She also participated personally and actively in Noblis’ first acquisition efforts resulting in the successful integration of three for-profit, privately held health care management consulting businesses into Noblis’ nonprofit, public interest business and culture. In another departure for Noblis, Ms. Walker’s business unit is responsible for development of RASMAS, a web-based service endorsed by the American Hospital Association, for distributing and managing product and safety alert notices leading to immediate tangible improvement in hospital patient safety, including saving patient lives.

Prior to Noblis, Ms. Walker worked at Mitretek Systems as the Vice President for the Center for Science and Technology. From 1975 to 1996, Ms. Walker held a variety of technical and management positions in the areas of energy, environment and resources management with the MITRE Corporation. During this period, she authored and co-authored many technical reports. In addition, while with MITRE, Ms. Walker led the only new drug review effort conducted outside the Food and Drug Administration. As an outgrowth of this experience, Ms. Walker was asked to testify before the U.S. Senate.

Earlier in her career, Ms. Walker conducted biochemical research at Meloy Labs and Litton Bionetics. She holds a Master of Science in Environmental Health Science from George Washington University, 1978, and a Bachelor of Arts in Biology/Chemistry from Shorter College, 1969.

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